Poet: Rina Lasnier (1915-1997)
TITLE: Marées
TIME: 3m45s
$/COPY: $3.00 CAD (+tx where applicable)
SAMPLE: SSA: click here; SAB: click here
Le ciel a tant sur la mer
Ses étoiles dispersées
Que la mer a connu l'humilité.
Le ciel a tant sur la mer
Sa longue peine appuyée
Que la mer s'est purifiée.
Le ciel a tant sur la mer
Son cœur doux appuyé
Que la mer s'est levée.
Quand le ciel et la mer
Se seront épousés
La mer n'aura plus de marées.
Courtesy translation:
The sky has so scattered
Its stars on the sea
That the sea has learned humility.
The sky has so pressed
Its deep sadness on the sea
That the sea was purified.
The sky has so leaned
Its soft heart on the sea
That the sea rose.
When the sky and the sea
will have married
The sea will no longer have tides.
The sky and the sea develop a tender and intimate relationship based on humility, trust, and love. A simple yet deep and touching story, the music reflects the shimmering stars, the deep sea, and the lyrical relationship between the two.